Want a roadmap to becoming a thought leader?
Terry Bean speaking at #TEDxDetroit - November 10, 2021

Want a roadmap to becoming a thought leader?

Thought leader.




As long as you're the "go to person" in your area, does it really matter what they call you...I mean, as long as they're actually calling YOU.

For years I've talked about the idea of "owning spot 1 in your network's mental rolodex". Now I want to show you specifically how to build that level of thought leadership.

I've put together a 10 week course designed to help you find your true self, your content plan and other things that are going to enable you to become the highly sought after professional you aim to be.

This post will talk a bit about the course while dropping a tip or two to take your game up a notch. Sound good? To quote my man Mr. Burns...EXCELLENT.

I'll start by sharing the 10 sessions and then break each one down a bit below:

  1. Who you are
  2. What you do
  3. Who you do it for and why they care
  4. Being the SHIT on the socials
  5. Building out your Storyselling, Humor, Inspiration and Truth messages
  6. Creating Raving Fans
  7. Resources
  8. Marketing Guideline
  9. Becoming your own PR rep
  10. How to be a better public speaker
If you're looking for details on pricing, timing, structure and more call me at 248.224.1326 or email me.

Now that you have an idea of what the 10 weeks look like, let's talk a bit more about each session.

Week 1 is: Who You Are.

Like a really deep dive into who you are. What makes you unique. What makes you tick. And what makes you stand out.

There will be some lessons in introspection (call it meditation, call it quiet time, call it reflection...whatever, just do it).

You'll also be assigned a personality test or 3. I'm rather partial to Myers-Briggs, DISC and Enneagram.

Anyone of these can be completed in about 15 minutes and will share a world of insight as to who you are, how you process information and what matters to you.

If you do nothing else, take a personality test. Than share it with someone who loves you to see just how spot on they are.

Not only will you have a better understanding of how to relate to yourself, when you apply this knowledge, you'll have a better way to relate to others too.

Week 2 is: What You Do

Sure you know what you do, but do others? Maybe a better question is are you the first person they think of when they hear someone talking about problems you solve?

If you don't have this, you are missing out on a TON of opportunities.

One of the challenges most people face is they talk about their work in too technical of a fashion. You have to be bi-lingual when it comes to your work. Sure you can share all the "inside baseball" so your colleagues and competitors know you're cool. Just make sure you're using words your target audience understands too.

William Butler Yeats said it: "Think like a wise man, but communicate in the language of the people".

Week 3 - Who You Do It For and Why They Care

It's no longer enough to simply say who you help (PSA - It's NEVER been enough to say you help anyone or everyone...just stop that NOW).

Your messaging HAS to reach your intended audience. And the best way to do that is to make it so specific that they're the only ones with whom it will resonate. Stop casting a wide net. Those have too many holes.

Be surgical with your messaging...not a generalist.

Week 4 - Being the SHIT on the Socials

After 13 years of helping people increase their engagement on social media I decided it was time for an easy to remember acronym. Some people may call it THIS, but this isn't nearly as funny ;-)

This session has some tricks and tips to make sure the humor and inspirational posts are really easy to find and share. Here's a hint: Take your industry (let's pretend it's mortgage) and google this: Mortgage memes funny. Or mortgage memes inspiration. BOOM You're halfway there.

Week 5 - The Storyselling and Truth Formulas

The other half of the content mix is a LOT more involved. You actually have to get creative and share the work you do for your clients, partners and whomever. The better you get at sharing your truth AND storyselling, the more you'll have people sliding into your DMs.

Week 6 - Creating Raving Fans

If you're not getting people to amplify your message by liking, commenting or sharing, you're going to only end up speaking to those who already know you. The reason that content mix is so important is so it reaches more folks. "Raving Fans" kick that up a notch as they are the conduit for you to reach more folks. Here's your tip: Go be a raving fan for others before you worry about creating them for yourself.

Week 7 - Resources

Unlike the rest of the weeks which will feel like a class (online as it may be), this week is more of a one-on-one session. What do you need? Who do you need to meet? What do you need to read, listen to? How do we begin the process of making lasting change for you through my network, knowledge and whatever will best serve you today.

Week 8 - Marketing Guidelines

I can't really call this a marketing strategy, because that is outside of the scope of this project. What I can tell you is how to structure your marketing. Especially the tools, timing, frequency, groups you need to post in and so much more. Consider it a mini marketing plan that will be more than enough to set you up for marketing success.

Week 9 - Becoming Your Own PR Pro

Let's face it: It's fun to see your name in the paper, face on tv or hear your voice on a podcast. There is a big secret in the PR space and I'm happy to share it with you (in the class). We will go over some tips on how to pitch your big ideas and become the person they call when they need to speak to an expert.

Week 10 - Becoming a Better Public Speaker

Now that you have the big idea, the messaging, and the desire to be seen my many more folks, we need to make sure your speaking game is tight. This session will focus on making sure you have the poise, confidence and cadence to pull off a wonderful talk. This is true for video and live talks alike.

So that's the 10 week program.

It's going to run from January 18, 2022 through the end of March.

You'll have the recordings of each session and support via both email and phone. It's going to be a ton of great, actionable information that you can begin to use right away.

If you want more information on it, message me here on LinkedIn, drop a comment below or send an email to trybean@gmail.com.

Leah Nauseda

President @ Lowisz Leadership Institute | A Qualigence International Company


So awesome!

Terry Bean

Leadership Guide to Getting Better Connected to the Ideas, People, and Opportunities You Need. #trybean | Speaker | Trainer | Coach


David Glenn this is the course syllabus.

Michael Angelo Caruso

International keynoter; 2x TEDx speaker; Speaker Coach; Fractional Sales Manager; Lifetime Rotarian, baby.


Hell, I’m just trying to become the Thought Leader in my house. #TheRedhead #RenePothetes

Ernie Butcher

Creating opportunity for companies to grow at scale.


Awesome framework! These are principles that can be applied across a wide range of professionals needing guidance in growing a personal brand. Everyone now needs to be their own marketer in ways never seen before. Success is not only knowing who you are, what you do, and why you do it. It's also knowing how to articulate and show value. You have a winning solution brother. Great job!

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